Do you get tangled up in the whole brand vs branding vs identity thing?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

The bottom line is – those three give your business its unique heartbeat.

Brand: Heart and Soul

Think of the brand as the personality of a business. It’s the values, promises and feelings it evokes. Your brand is like your story – the thing that makes you, well, you!

Branding: Strategy in Action

This is where you put on your strategist hat. It’s about bringing that brand personality to life through visuals, messages, and experiences. Branding is the art of making the brand consistent and memorable.

Identity: The Face You Remember

Identity is what you see – the visual side of things. It’s the face of the brand, ensuring it stands out in a crowd. Logos, colors, fonts, patterns and design elements make up the identity.

So there you have it – brand’s your heart, branding’s your game plan, and identity’s your style.