
The Marketplace For Buyers


  • SaaS

Type of work




The first buyer’s marketplace

Monimmo is changing the way buyers and investors search for properties, by combining Big Data, AI, and predictive analytics into one smart platform – with excellent results.

Using advanced analytics, the Monimmize platform offers in-depth insights, such as blueprint schematics, the purchase prices of homes in the area, and more – all in one place and ready for the taking. Monimmo was preparing to take part in a conference to showcase their full potential and find more partners with whom to cooperate. Our task was to support Monimmo with a range of materials that demonstrated the depth and breadth of the company’s unique technology.


“…the Monimmize solution to an audience that might not be familiar with AI technology.”

As set out, Monimmo provides exclusive technology for the real estate market that is simultaneously entirely complex and utterly simple. The challenge here was to demonstrate the Monimmize solution to an audience that might not be familiar with AI technology and manifest the use of it.

We also had to create a social media awareness campaign in order to familiarise the conference’s audience with Monimmo’s offering. The other important challenge was to strengthen the landing page of the website to appeal to the conference attendees and make the customer journey as seamless as possible.


The Solution

We came up with materials that will be useful for raising awareness, establishing new contacts and helping potential clients to reach out in the most convenient way possible. The materials were: a video presentation that illustrates the pain points of clients and Monimmo’s solution to those points; an immersive business card that expresses the AI approach; a poster to draw attention to the exhibition stand with one short nimble quote; and a leaflet that sets out the main points of Monimmo’s proposal.


The Video

The video that we came up with highlighted the difficulties and nuances of the real estate market from both the buyers and sellers’ perspectives. We presented the easy-to-use solution to their pain points and showcased its personalized applicability. Here is how it turned out:
