Bamboo Cloud

Grow Your Online Business


  • SaaS

Type of work




live streaming for any business

Bamboo Cloud is the easiest way to scale your online business. The service is set to make live streaming for any business simple and monetizable. The business model is flexible, allowing companies and entrepreneurs of different sizes and industries to grow.

Our mission was to develop a web design that was both simple and personalized. The goal was to show as many features and functionality as possible that aligns with the short period of time that clients spend on the site.


“…catch the attention of everyone without being too general.”

Bamboo Cloud created a product that suits various client segments and purposes. Our challenge was to reflect this in our design. The hardest part is to fit all the expectations of different customers in one design without alienating some of those customers.

Taking into consideration that the Bamboo Cloud business model focuses on different customer segments with unique needs and approaches to video streaming, our goal was to catch the attention of everyone without being too general. We needed to create the kind of landing page that works for each different client. Now, the traffic is directed to the exact page customers need with all the accompanying features. The customer doesn’t need to navigate the website to find the solution, as everything is stated on one page – even the pricing. This business solution has stopped a lot of customers from bouncing away from the site.


The Solution

We came up with a bright and easy-to-use design, which encompasses the key values of the Bamboo Cloud: Personalization, Flexibility and Convenience.

We achieved our main goal by creating a fresh design, with a few simple colors and icons to reflect the main target audience segments and make navigation easier and more intuitive. Icons have reduced the amount of text on the site, which has created a lighter-felt expression. It leads the customer smoothly through the conversion process up to the final stage. The design and the logo reflect the business’s personality: it changes form, it’s flexible and it’s as fluid as the product itself.
